Business Opportunity
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89 Pennywise
INVITATION TO TENDER: STRATA NES3651 Castlegar, BC requests submission of quotes for: Snow Removal, Irrigation Maintenance & Lawn Maintenance. For the Strata for a one year contract renewable annually for up to three years. Bid packages available for pick up at Unit 206, 4200 Grandview Drive, Castlegar, BC.
94 Pennywise
WE’RE HIRING IMMEDIATELY!! Bears Furniture & Appliances is looking for a full-time and a part-time customer service person. Sales experience an asset. Some lifting required. Apply in person with resume at 612 Lakeside Dr., Nelson.
Work Wanted
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Help Wanted
90 Pennywise
PART/FULL TIME JACK OF ALL TRADES WANTED Skilled in heavy equipment/machinery as mechanic and operator, able to run forklift, welding, and framing. Castlegar resident. Cell 778-809-2510.
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#209 312 Fourth St,
Kemball Memorial Centre
Kaslo BC, Canada
V0G 1M0