Bulletin Board
12 Pennywise
ALWAYS BUYING GOLD & SILVER: Coins, Collections, Accumulations, Rare & Common Gold & Silver coins. All Bullion, Maples, Rounds, Bars etc. 3rd generation collector. Call/text Chad, 250-863-3082.
129 Pennywise
STORAGE CONTAINER RENTALS AND SALES From Brenton Industries Ltd. Kaslo. For more info visit www.brentonindustries.ca
25 Pennywise
CHIROPRACTOR in KASLO: 409 Water St, (behind Figments), DR. McKENZIE, Tuesdays, 250-551-3225. For appointments, 250-352-1322.
139 Pennywise
STAY AND PLAY AT WOODBURY RESORT AND MARINA: RV sites w/hookups, lakeside tent sites, comfy motels and cabins, full service marina w/boat rentals, JB’s Pub & Restaurant and so much more! 250-353-7717, www.woodburyresort.com
26 Pennywise
CHIROPRACTOR, DR. McKENZIE, SALMO: Thursdays, Willow Healing Arts Centre. Call 250-551-3225. NELSON, M.W.F, Community First Health Co-op, 250-352-1322.
163 Pennywise
KASLO & DISTRICT SENIOR CITIZENS SHELTER SOCIETY (Abbey Manor) will be holding their September Elections on Monday, September 23, 2024, 6:00pm, in the Common Room at Abbey Manor.
30 Pennywise
WANT MORE CROSSWORDS? Every Wednesday receive a brand new ClassiCanadian Crossword straight to your inbox. Subscribe at www.classicanadianxwords.ca. Makes a great gift!
164 Pennywise
TRAIL HARMONY CHOIR under the direction of Audrey Bisset, is looking for new members. All ages and all levels welcome. We sing a variety of music; modern, pop to classical. Please join us Wednesdays 7-9pm, Trail United Church, 1300 Pine Ave. New session starts Sept. 11. Late registration welcome. More info contact Liz Stephens, 250-512-8021
31 Pennywise
MIRROR LAKE WATER USERS COMMUNITY: Boil water advisory for all users. Inform renters and guests.
166 Pennywise
THE TAGHUM COMMUNITY SOCIETY Annual General Meeting will be held THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 6:30pm, at Taghum Hall. On the agenda is a SPECIAL RESOLUTION to update our Constitution to better reflect our activities. All are welcome! Memberships may be purchased at the meeting.
37 Pennywise
AFFORDABLE, SECURE STORAGE CONTAINERS: 20´, 40´, 45´, 53´ for SALE/RENT. Custom modifications, windows, doors, electrical, insulation, offices, tiny homes, etc. 40´ bridges. Kootenay Containers, Castlegar. 250-365-3014.
47 Pennywise
58 Pennywise
IF YOU WANT TO DRINK THAT’S YOUR BUSINESS. If you want to stop and need help that’s ours. Helpline: 1-250-800-4125. Info/meeting list www.aawestkootenays.org
64 Pennywise
25 YEARS OF SERVICE AND CARE For your lumber needs, WANECO ENTERPRISES CUSTOM SAWMILLING. Call Wayne or Rochelle, 250-353-1170, Kaslo.
68 Pennywise
AA MEETS TUESDAYS 4:30PM, back room of St. Mark’s Church, 601 5th St., Kaslo. We welcome other Anonymous groupies! See you then. 250-353-8784, 250-353-3428.
70 Pennywise
JB’s PUB AND FAMILY RESTAURANT, WOODBURY RESORT, HWY 3A is now open Wednesday-Sunday 3-9pm. Patio dining, famous for Fish & Chips (and more), happy hour 3-5pm daily. Dinner reservations 250-353-7716.
89 Pennywise
WOODBURY RESORT membership for sale, $4500, price includes transfer fee. lovekootenay@gmail.com.
93 Pennywise
WANECO ENTERPRISES CUSTOM SAWMILLING: Sawing cedar & fir. We supply siding, decking, fencing, posts, timbers, garden material. Wayne & Rochelle. 250-353-1170 or 250-353-7126, wanecoent@gmail.com
2 Pennywise
PENNYWISE AD PAYMENTS, cash or cheques, can be dropped off at And More Second Hand Store, 1398 McQuarrie St, Trail during regular store hours. Questions? Call 1-800-663-4619. Thank you, Pennywise.
94 Pennywise
CASTLEGAR YOUTH ACTION NETWORK -CYAN- OFFERS youth led activities and events Fridays, 5-8pm (events may vary). 1007 2nd St, upstairs. Drop-ins are welcome! Contact Zoe Mackay, call/text 250-551-3897, youth@cdcss.ca or visit FB Castlegar YAN, and Castlegar Youth Action Network on Instagram for details.
8 Pennywise
SHARPENING SERVICE: Saws, tools, scissors, knives, clipper blades. C&D Sharpening Service, 250-365-3658.
96 Pennywise
REQUIRED TRAINING FOR FIREARMS AND HUNTING LICENCES AVAILABLE: Registering for fall classes for CORE (BC Hunter Training) and PAL (CFSC Federal Firearm Licences) in Nelson, Slocan, Salmon, Nakusp, Golden. Check out the website dbozconsulting.ca for course information, locations, dates and who to register with or contact me directly at 250-265-8323. Limited seating, so book your seat early. If your community wishes to sponsor a course I can travel to your community to teach courses. Call me to set a course.
11 Pennywise
BOIL WATER NOTICE for Fletcher Creek Improvement District water users. Please inform all renters & guests. FCID has a moratorium on all connections until further notice. Visit www.fletchercreekwater.com
121 Pennywise
Your Local Community Shopping News Paper. West Kootenay Owned & Independent. We live work, shop and play here with you! Next deadline for the Sept. 16 edition is 3pm, Wednesday, Sept. 11. 1-800-663-4619, www.pennywiseads.com
Contact Us
Local: 250-353-2602
Toll free: 1-800-663-4619
Email: info@pennywiseads.com
#209 312 Fourth St,
Kemball Memorial Centre
Kaslo BC, Canada
V0G 1M0