Dona Grace-Campbell

National Recognition for Kootenay Based Organization and Founder.

Born in the Kootenays, Stop Ecocide Canada (SEC) a campaign to criminalize ‘mass damage and destruction to nature’ or, ECOCIDE has been nominated for a national Clean50 award as a Top Project for 2022-2024. The National Director, former Kaslo resident, Dona Grace-Campbell has been announced as an award winner, gaining national recognition as an environmental leader for the SEC campaign.  The Clean50 award winners are selected from diverse categories that include numerous industries, academia, government, thought leaders and advocates, and are based on accomplishments delivered over the prior two years.

 As National Director, Dona energized a core team of volunteers across the country to build support within Canada for the criminalization of ecocide. Under Dona’s leadership, SEC facilitated the first-ever cross-party dialogue on Parliament Hill on the criminalization of mass destruction of the environment. Within the next six months Dona coordinated a second Parliament Hill event, addressing the “Business Case for Ecocide law” with support from the International Corporate Governance Network who manage $80 trillion in assets.

Dona facilitates a series of webinars connecting diverse voices in discussion on ecocide-related issues such as environmental racism; Indigenous Sovereignty and ecocide law; Frontline defenders and ecocide law. She also produces a podcast series: “Podcasts for the Planet” featuring high-profile guests which explore key themes in ecology, ethics, law, finance and more at this unique  moment of crisis and change for humanity.

Dona received the award along with SEC team members Lisa Oldring, human rights lawyer (former UN High Commission) and Queens Law Professor Darryl Robinson, who helped shape international criminal law as a negotiator of the International Criminal Court’s Rome Statute. This Statute holds the crimes of genocide; crimes against humanity; crimes of aggression and war crime. The Stop Ecocide campaign aims to add ecocide as a 5th crime to the Rome Statute. See

Kaslo Climate Action Team