The Village of Kaslo and RDCK Area D are excited to introduce you to a groundbreaking initiative that aims to transform your neighbourhoods into a FireSmart community – a place where safety, sustainability, and unity thrive. As the threat of wildfires continues to increase, it is imperative that we come together to protect our homes, families, and environment. Allow us to shed light on the remarkable benefits of FireSmart Neighbourhoods and the positive impact it can have on our lives.

What is a FireSmart Neighbourhood?

  • A FireSmart Neighbourhood is a proactive approach to reducing the risk of wildfires. By implementing a combination of strategies, such as creating defensible spaces, choosing fire-resistant building materials, and promoting community awareness, we can significantly minimize the danger of wildfires reaching our homes.

Benefits for Our Community:

  • Enhanced Safety: FireSmart practices significantly reduce the vulnerability of our homes to wildfires. With a well-prepared community, we create a safer environment for our families and first responders.
  • Preservation of Property: By investing in FireSmart strategies, we protect our homes, landscapes, and cherished memories from the devastating impact of wildfires.
  • Rebates and grants: Homeowners who have had a FireSmart assessment completed can work on their own property to receive rebates up to $1000 for FireSmart work. While the RDCK FireSmart Neighbourhood Champion Grant program allows FireSmart neighbourhoods to apply for up to $3000 annually to be reimbursed for neighbourhood events and mitigation work completed by the neighbourhood.
  • Stronger Community Bonds: Collaborating on FireSmart projects fosters a sense of unity among neighbours as we work towards a common goal. It’s an opportunity to build connections and friendships that will last a lifetime.
  • Eco-Friendly Practices: FireSmart Neighbourhoods often incorporate landscaping practices that promote healthy ecosystems, sustainable water use, and native plant species, contributing to a greener environment.
  • Increased Property Value: Homes located in FireSmart Neighbourhoods tend to retain their value better due to reduced wildfire risk, making our community an attractive choice for potential buyers.
  • Educational Opportunities: FireSmart initiatives provide an excellent platform for learning about fire prevention, emergency preparedness, and sustainable living practices.

A Step Towards Environmental Responsibility:

  • By adopting FireSmart principles, we not only safeguard our community but also contribute to the overall health of our ecosystem. As wildfires release immense amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, our efforts to prevent them play a crucial role in mitigating climate change.

Get Involved Today!

  • Join us on Wednesday, September 27  for a round table meeting of Existing and Interested FireSmart Neighbourhood Champions, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Seniors Centre to share thoughts and experiences to make a lasting impact on our community’s safety and resilience. Let’s work together to embrace FireSmart practices and ensure a brighter, safer future for ourselves and generations to come.

For more information on how you can become part of the Kaslo FireSmart Neighbourhood initiative, please contact either:

  • John Addison – Village of Kaslo – FireSmart Neighbourhood Coordinator Cell: 250-353-1151 Email: Village of Kaslo FireSmart Website:


  • Jessie Lay – RDCK Area D – Wildfire Mitigation Specialist Cell: (250) 353-3260 Email: RDCK Website:

Together, we can turn the tide against wildfire threats and build a stronger, safer, and more connected community.

John Addison