There are exciting things ahead for our Thrift Store. We have received funding (primarily from CBT) to improve the shed behind the Thrift Store. It will become a fully insulated, heated space where we can organize and sort your donations, enabling us to enlarge our sales area.
We need your help in reducing donations for the construction period. Anything seasonal and timely we will accept on Thursdays and Saturdays. Please store other things at home.
You will see a dumpster behind the store. That is for the building materials that cannot be reused. Although some TS items do find their way to the landfill, most things find a new home. Fabric items go to Positive Apparel in Nelson where they transport a truckload monthly to a sorting and remanufacturing facility. This is a wonderful service for us. Cotton is sold for rags. Stained, torn, threadbare and other damaged goods are not resalable. If you bring them to us, we are paying the landfill costs with money that would be donated back to the community.
We donate winter gear to shelters. Valuables, antiques and jewellery get an appraised value and are resold. As we don’t have the space we ask that you take sports gear, toys, and hardcover books go elsewhere – our local landfill has a free store and sports teams can share with their members.
Books leave our shelves rapidly but unfortunately we cannot take hardcover books. Grandma’s dishes can sit on our shelves for awhile before some creative crafter or horticulturalist finds a use. Check out our Saturday Market to see some of them.
Towards the end of March we will be emptying the shed and restricting donations. Watch for signs at the store. We expect to return to regular operations in the first part of June.

Kaslo Thrift Store