On the heels of their wildly successful classic O Christmas Tea tour, the inventive creator/performers James & Jamesy (Aaron Malkin and Alastair Knowles) are back in Nelson and Trail with a brand new show which sees the enigmatic duo exploring the depths of memory and traumatic past events, and discovering the possibility of healing through love and friendship.
“A Pie… A Face… How hard can it be?”
Through failure and perseverance to discover more about themselves and their connection to the world, James & Jamesy take the audience through a rollercoaster of emotion and imagination, all wrapped up in their signature tour-de-force physical comedy style and brilliant wordplay.
Easy As Pie will be in Trail at the Charles Bailey Theatre on March 21st and Nelson at the Capitol Theatre on March 22nd.
Heralded as “The greatest performers of physical comedy in Canada” this is a show not to be missed. Grab your tickets and find more info at easyaspiecomedy.com

James & Jamesy