We are at the point in history where our cars can drive themselves, our phones know our faces and our computers can churn out a novel at the drop of a hat – all thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to Google, AI is when computers can reason, learn and act in such a way that would normally require human intelligence. Because of this, AI has become one of those cultural flashpoints that can bring up a lot of mixed feelings: excitement, angst, amazement, dread.
Tech enthusiasts and luddites alike can expect a thoughtful and informative introduction to AI platforms like ChatGPT, happening on Wednesday, June 26th at the Nelson Library. Educator Stephen Harris will explore what AI can look like as a tool we can use at home, work and school in responsible and ethical ways.
Harris, an instructor at Selkirk College’s School of Business, began to look at AI when if first came out as he knew his students would be encountering it in their work life. He ended up being fascinated with it and even started a business called a.i. launchpad which provides bespoke support to small businesses looking to integrate artificial intelligence into their operations.
Most of us have already encountered AI here and there, but it is about to be a part of everything everywhere all at once. Now is the time to learn, explore, and ponder responsibility.
“Artificial Intelligence is radically changing just about every aspect of society,” said Harris. “Learning how – and why – to use AI is a skill that will be beneficial for everyone.”

Nelson Public Library