23 Pennywise

WINLAW FINE COMPUTING..... www.winlawtech.com, Windows, Apple, Linux. Pat, 250-226-7215. Serving Slocan Valley & Area.

17 Pennywise

RBT ACCOUNTING SERVICES: Accepting New Clients. Bookkeeping, Personal and Corporate Taxes, GST, Payroll and Other Services. Call 250-354-7107 or email rbtcpa@outlook.com

16 Pennywise

PASS CREEK TOOL REPAIR: Air and electric tools, small compressors, quality repairs, fair price. 250-304-4811.

15 Pennywise

NELSON MINI-STORAGE: 1.6kms from City Centre, heated, easy access, 18yrs of friendly, personalized service. 1393 Knox Rd, 250-354-8289, www.nelsonministorage.ca

26 Pennywise

CHIROPRACTOR in KASLO: 409 Water St, (behind Figments), DR. McKENZIE, Tuesdays, 250-551-3225. For appointments, 250-352-1322.

29 Pennywise

OLD BEER/POP SIGNS, wooden/metal crates, old gas/service station items, old Coke/pop machines. 250-231-9397.

30 Pennywise

RUBBISH REMOVAL & RECYCLE, lawn maintenance, estate removal, gutter cleaning/sealing, moving, deliveries, building demolition. 250-231-9397. Serving Trail area.

5 Pennywise

ALL PHASES HOME RENOVATIONS: Kitchens, bathrooms, windows & doors. Licensed, registered, insured. Photos, references. Book in advance. Michael Nesbitt Contracting, 250-825-4771. Serving Nelson & area.

8 Pennywise

SHARPENING SERVICE: Saws, tools, scissors, knives, clipper blades. C&D Sharpening Service, 250-365-3658.

7 Pennywise

SHARPENING SERVICE: Saws, tools, scissors, knives, clipper blades. C&D Sharpening Service, 250-365-3658.